Right Engineering StreamRight Engineering Stream For College
Engineering is the most popular study among the students of these days. Each year, there are millions of students completing their course of engineering and there are millions new students who get admission in the study of engineering. There are many colleges being opened in every state and city that now it is very easy to do the study of engineering. There are many top and best institutions and colleges in Punjab who provides very best education of Engineering to the students.

 But alongside the new colleges being opened, there are also new branches of Engineering being opened each day. Now, there are separate branches of Engineering for each separate subject. Students have a lot of options to choose from when they come to join some college for their degree of Engineering. Due to many options they get confused and cannot make a good decision which will be good for them and their future.

So, I have compiled a step by step guide for those students who are confused at the position of choosing a right stream of engineering for them. The guide goes as following:

Step by Step Guide to Select The Right Stream Of Engineering For Your College Study

Remember the Days Of High School:

Before choosing or thinking about the right engineering stream, you should go back to the old times of you when you were in high school. Try to realize what did you like to do back then? What was it that attracts you the most? In which subject were you good? If you cannot find any good clues or have any doubts about your realization then you should go even deeper. Go to the times when you were a kid. What was it that you wanted to do as a kid? What kind of subject or matters attracted you back then? Once you know the answers to these, you will be able to know what your soul is telling you to do. Write down these things on a paper.

Relate Them To Respective Streams:

Once you have the information about your habits and interests of your old days, you should relate these interests to their respective branches. For example, if you were attracted towards the working and principal of electricity then you should choose Electrical Engineering, if you were attracted to the computers and technology then you may be interested in Computer Science Engineering etc. Thus you should relate your inner emotions to the streams. For some of you this may sound stupid, some may be even thinking that what it is? Am I doing some kind of meditation or something? Well, for them, yes, this is a kind of meditation and you will know the importance of this when you will have completed your degree in Engineering.

Go to the College and Seek Advice:

Now you have a list of the branches that are related to you somehow from the childhood. Now you should go and pay a visit to the college of your choice. Seek some advice from the counseling cell and then visit the labs and lecturers of each branch that you have listed on your paper. Tell the teachers about your interests and ask any of your doubts and they will help you in explaining each branch very clearly. In this way, you will have information about each stream of engineering. What are the teaching methods that some specific colleges employ for specific branches? What are other facilities and infrastructure for the students of specific branches? And what kind of practical knowledge is being offered in each branch. For this, you can and you should also visit multiple colleges as the teaching method and infrastructure may vary with each institution and thus you will have a vast information about the study of Engineering.

Video : Helpful Tips on How to Choose Your Major.

Interview Tips For Medical StudentsInterview Tips For Medical Students
Medical course is one of the most popular courses in bachelors and masters degrees. It is the most chosen major by the students. In the most of the developing countries there are most of the women in medical field. But in the developed countries, male doctors and medical students also take interest in this field. There is no doubt that this specific major interest many students and thus many students apply for this major to do their degree.

Except the interest of students, it also attracts more candidates because there are lots of jobs in this field of medical and most of the jobs are well paying. So students find that their future is more secure with this subject. I think this is the most popular subject and a choice of students after the Engineering. Because of its popularity and attraction to many youngsters, it attracts more candidates which means more competition for students. So, if you are in to this thing very seriously and you want to get a seat in some of the best colleges for your medical degree then you must submit an effective application to the college of your interest and then give a pretty good interview if you are asked.

Although, not colleges ask for interviews, but most of them do. It gives them a chance to know the student deeply. The type of interview can be one to one or a group interview. You can get that type of information from the respective college that you are going to apply.

If you receive an invitation for the interview then there is one thing to give yourself congratulations. Because, admission officers only send invitations to those students whose applications are accepted in the college and want to have some words with you. So, instead of being afraid of this interview thing, you should give yourself congratulations and should celebrate this achievement this will at least give you some extra energy for your interview.

Following are some interview tips for students of Medical
Interview Tips For Admission in the College

Reach at the destination a day before the Interview:

This may sound a little bit tough if you have some responsibilities or some work to do. But it is really helpful if you reach at the college a day ago the interview. This will provide you some extra time to prepare yourself and to know the college and environment. You will know about the parking etc. This is helpful for you as you know that everyone will be checking on you when you enter the college. So this will help you to be prepared.

Wear Comfortable Clothes:

You should not wear some very fancy kind of dresses. Instead, you should wear a simple and neat and clean dress in which you feel comfortable. Your shoes and other stuff should also not irritate you during the interview. Because you do not know, how your interview will be held exactly. You may also have to walk with the interviewee as they introduce you to their college professors or to the buildings and environment.

Give Instant And Honest Answers:

When the interviewee will ask you questions related to your choice of course or choice of college then give him answers instantly. But this does not mean that you should trim some most questioned answers. No, just relax and give the answers honestly. Your answers should be unique and of your own. They should reflect your personality.

Below is a video for you students which describes some must dos and don'ts of interview. Share your views in comments.

PictureGood News For Engineering Students
The Engineering is the one of the most wanted course by students. It is probably because students heard so called statements from their mentors that there are loot of jobs in engineering and if you become an Engineer then you will be able to earn a lot of money for your living.
That is totally cool, students says. They join the course in Engineering, spend a lot of money and time into their studies and try their best to pass the exams. But after completing their degree or diploma, they find no job to do. Students in developing  countries like India,feel even worse as there  is much unemployment in India. But students of other countries also find it hard to get a good job to earn big money.
But here i bring some good news for students of Engineering. Now your dreams of becoming a good Engineer will be true soon.
President Barack Obama and other researchers in the United States stated that in coming ten years, the Engineering and Technology will get so developed that there will be much more jobs for the Engineers and there will be step down in the number of Engineers as the requirements will be much more.
In United States Of America, the president and government also started motivating and encouraging students who take part in such sources which are related to Engineering and Science. Officials has been reporting that we will have to train the students to meet our future needs if we want to keep our economy stable. Recently, there were campus and fair started in the US, in which students will bring their projects and explain the working of the projects. The president Barack Obama himself shown up at the fair and talked to students. The government is now starting some programs in various schools and colleges to help students learn more about Science, Engineering and Technology. Where, there is something less from the government, the other companies that are working in private sectors, do provide help to the schools for students.
The officials from the these corporations suggested that it is good that we will have that employment opportunities for our students and bachelors but it is a thing to be worried that our students are lacking interest in science and engineering. They said that they have been through various different countries and all of them have this kind of problem that students now do not posses that interest in science, technology and Engineering. That is something sad, but also good as there will not be much crowd and the competition will also be low.
Now, i do not know that what is gonna happen in coming years that will bring that much employment. What in God's name is going to happen to technology or science that we will require more Engineers for work. But seriously, this is some good news for Engineering Students. I know that engineering students are doing their jobs at very cheap salaries or packages and it is so nice to hear this. I am pretty glad to know this. I hope you all college students will also feel good after reading it. So cheers, enjoy your day.

Recently, i was reading an article on U.S. News about the women's interest in Engineering and the possibilities to what they can do in this field of science. The author of that article was herself a lady and she pointed out that this whole new world is responsible for the fact that women don't take much interest in science, technology and engineering.
She mentioned a comment from the president of the Harvard University that Women are not meant to work in Engineering or Science related fields.They do not take interest in these fields and they are also not as much smart for these fields of study as the study Science and Engineering includes a lot of mathematical questions, physics and numerical so that is so hard for them to learn.
Author further described that it is not because women are not smart in these fields and it is also not that the women or girls are not interested in such fields. She said that when a girl take birth, we gave her only toys to play like Dolls and all that kind of stuff, while for the boys, there are Lego and other brain sharpening games. So, she was trying to say that it is too wrong for a developed country like United States of America that we still cannot make women fully equal to men. And what more funny and what inspired me to write this article was her worry that 'economy of america will go down if we not do something for this'...Funny and Strange? Isn't it?
Well, for all the girls and women out there, who might be thinking that i am saying this because i am a man of old believes or i am writing this because i hate women or something...i just wanted to tell you that it is totally not. Just think about this: You may know that singing, dancing and acting that was whole part of low level life in the ancient times. These so called actors were like slaves to the kings and they will sing, dance and go beyond that to keep the kings happy. Thus it was a work of bad girls to do all that stuff....but time passed and ladies who had interest in this thing, keep doing it and they succeed...Now what do you think if the mother or father of Angelina Jolie would have stopped her because this is the profession of low level dirty people ? Anything good that you think would have happened instead of becoming her so famous and earning such loyalty?
So,i would like to comment on it that it is not the profession that counts, it is your natural interest that counts. If a lady has interest in becoming a teacher or a nurse then go let her do it, but you should not be stopping her because you think that becoming an Engineer is something more reputable or pay you more. That was all i wanted to say. So, girls, do not listen to anyone when it comes to choosing your profession or course for your degree. Take any course that attracts you. All the rest like money and fame will naturally come. You might have remembered that dialogue from my favorite and very famous movie 'Titanic', "I'd rather be his wh*re than to be your wife" :)

PictureThings High School Students Should Know About College
The high school students who are the students of senior year in high school might be thinking about joining some college or university. But before going to college, you should have a look at these things that are must to know for you before joining the college.
These must know things are described by two experienced students and authors of students related books. These are the updates on their recent books on college admissions and applying process.
Following is the list of things that a high school student must know about the college before joining it.
You Are Supposed To Be Own Your Own : In college, no one is going to bother you about reading and studying as your parents use to do when you were studying at high school. In college, you are supposed to be on your own. You will be treated as mature student in the college and you should be so. Do not take your college life as a kid of high school. Although, you will have a lot of fun at college but you should not do that in much extent that you will be out of money by next semester. You will have to make decisions so be a little wiser and let that old high school kid be in high school.
You Will Have To Be Creative: In high school, the teachers do half of the work for you. You might have also been helped by your parents or elder brother or sister. But in college no one is going to teach you in that way. You will not be treated as special as you were in the high school. Professors will give the lecture to whole class, no matter if you were in the class or you heard him or not. That is your problem. So, when solving problems, you have to be creative. Try to think beyond the square. Do not think of lecture as is. Do not think that how much professor will say you will be OK. Try to do something on your own. Being creative is specially important for Students of Engineering courses. As in Engineering, you will have to do much of mathematics and all that difficult stuff.
You can Change Your Majors: Some students make mistake when choosing a major. They choose some major course due to the recommendation of their friend or some relative but when they join the classes and try to do some work into the subject, they cannot come up with anything. Then they realize that choosing that specific major was a great mistake that they made. So, if that ever happens to you then you should talk to your college and discuss that you wanted to change your major and most of the colleges will accept you in to new course according to your interests and skills.
And moreover, you should not do hurry when choosing majors. You really don't have to . Because now, most of the colleges are offering students to take their first year into college while choosing no major and then according to their interest they can choose any. This is pretty good for you to go into the field and see what actually is being offered.
You Don't Have to Be Afraid Of Professors: In the schools, there are sometimes, some rumors about some specific teacher, that he is very dangerous, or he always stay angry. So most of the students have fear from some teachers and they never ask for any help from them. But its not the same in the college. In college, you do not have to be afraid from any professor. If you have any problem in the college, whether it is related to study or is it personal, you should go and ask for help. Most of them will be helpful to you if not everyone. So you should discuss your problems with your professors. That is why it is also important to get yourself familiar to the staff.

PictureEssay Writing Tips
High school students mostly hate it when someone say to them to write about some topic in 300 or 600 words. Most students hates writing because they think that this is the waste of time and they do not have to have writing skills for being successful in their niche.
Well, in whatever field you are interested, writing is helpful everywhere. It is a much important skill. The best need of this skill is when you are going to apply for the college of your interest. In your admission application, colleges asks students to write a 200 words essay on a specific topic. This is where your writing skills can save your life.
As we have been with some students and also some admission officers, we know that the topics that are given to high students to write about are not much of their interest. These topics can be very dumb questions about you and your life and can be about any dumb thing happening around the world. So, high school students have trouble in writing a spectacular essay on such topics on which they do not know that much. It becomes much hard as there are no straight rules for writing that if you do this and this, you will be accepted. So students will have to be creative and show the college what they got.
We talked to some admissions officers and asked from them for some tips and guidelines for high school students on writing a perfect essay that will earn them admission in the college they wanted. Following are the tips that they come up with.
  • Be Brief: You may know that the college has asked you to write your essay in minimum of 200 words with no maximum length. But it does not mean that you should express all your thoughts and end up writing a thousand words essay. You should be describe your points in brief. The admission officer who is going to check your essay will have too many applications so he do not want to spend his whole day reading your essay. Be specific. Write your essay in a reasonable length that you will be able to express yourself briefly and you will also have crossed minimum words threshold.
  • Pick Up A Tone: Your writing should reflect your personality. So, pick up a tone and a steady flow of writing. You should write your points and your explanations in a regular flow. It should not be like, you write something in the starting of the passage and then write all other things and then at the end again related to the starting. Your essay should have a natural flow that your words and paragraphs will be interconnected with each other.
  • Be Straight: When writing about some topic, you should write straight and make your point clear to the reader. Sometimes, universities and colleges gives you some controversial topics to write about. At such stages, you should first decide on which side you wanna be and why.  Be on the one side of the controversy and then express your points or specific reasons for that. In such topics, it should be clear to the reader that on which part of the side you are. So, do not try to write about both sides that it is this and this is it. Just be straight.
  • Use Simple or Complex Sentences Accordingly: Know your stand in the language. Get to know your writing skills. Take examples from your time of high school and think how good you were at writing. If you think that your English writing is so good then you should make use of complex sentences. The use of complex sentences will help you stand up from the crowd. But it should not taken in wrong way. That is you should only use complex sentences if you think that you can write good or you are good at complex sentences. Otherwise just stick to the simple sentences because in that case, you will end up doing more harm to you than help by using complex sentences incorrectly.